Who is L’ail Drômois ?

L’Ail Drômois is a group of farmers specialized in garlic and shallot cultivation. They are controlling production quality from planting to consumption.

L’Ail Drômois exports part of its production more over 30 countries around the world.

In a few figures :

Today our structure brings together 70 farms on a total surface of more than 637 hectares.

100 % of our producers are in the Drôme sector.

58 % of our areas correspond to the production of certified garlic seeds, including 10% in Organic Agriculture.

42 % of our surfaces are cultivated with garlic for eating, including 24% in Organic Agriculture.

Garlic and shallot in certified seeds are quality and yield guarantee

Thanks to good homogeneity, high germination rate, and optimal health conditions, the certified seeds ensure 25 to 30% higher yield compared to non-certified garlic.

Each variety is multiplied according to the rigorous specifications of the Official Control and Certification Service (SOC).

Contact us

Our varieties

B : Available in Organic Agriculture / C : Available in Conventional Agriculture

Autumn purple garlic

Primor B C

Germidour B C

Precosem C

Paradour C

Autumn white garlic

Messidrôme B

Thermidrôme B C

Thérador B C

Sabadrôme C

Sabagold C

Messidor B C

Rustisem B C

Spring pink garlic

Flavor B C

Cledor B C

Grey Shallot

Griselle C

Grisor C

Pink shallot

Jermor C

Ready-to-eat garlic and shallot


Taste :
fine and strong

Preserved aromas when cooking

Raw white garlic

Mild Strong

Cooked white garlic

Mild Strong


Taste :
very fragrant aroma

Raw purple garlic

Mild Strong

Cooked purple garlic

Mild Strong


Taste :
fine and pronounced

Raw shallot

Mild Strong

Cooked shallot

Mild Strong

Different sizes are available from 30 to 90 (30/40, 40/50, 50/60, 60/70, and 70/90).


We sell peeled garlic (manually cleaned heads), brushed garlic (mechanically cleaned heads), but also garlic with its foliage.

Garlic is sold in 3 categories :

Category 1 is a good quality garlic, intact, healthy, clean, with tight cloves.

Category 2 is a merchantable garlic with certain allowable defects. This garlic is ideal for «zero waste» ranges or for industrial processing.

Industrial Category is a garlic intended for processing or aroma extraction.


Logo IGP Ail de la Drôme
Logo IGP communautaire

All farmers in our structure are concerned about respecting the environment, tradition and taste.

They are involved in various quality approaches, such as GLOBALG.A.P., HVE (HEV – High Environmental Value), Organic Agriculture and IGP Ail de la Drôme (PGI – Protected Geographical Indication Garlic from Drôme).

All of our production is methodically controlled by rigorous approvals.


1868 Route des Limites
26400 EURRE – France

Tel. : +33 (0)4 75 60 36 06

Mob. : +33 (0)6 70 69 62 24

Mail : export@aildromois.com